Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream


Are you ready to take the challenge to erase years off your face? Order a jar of Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream today. When your Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream arrives start by taking a selfie with a clean bare face (you will do this everyday for 30 days) then apply a generous amount around eyes and any visible wrinkles you wish to diminish the appearance of with clean hands and clean fingernails. Apply Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream at least twice a day up to 10 times a day. After 30 days take the first selfie you took and format it next to your 30th day selfie to really see the changes for yourself.


The first ingredient in most wrinkle creams, moisturizers and lotions is water. Though Pure Living Water is essential to our health it is dehydrating when used topically. The reasoning is pretty simple: if the cream dehydrates your skin then you apply it more, use it more frequently and need to buy more frequently. That is why all of our creams, moisturizers and lotions are 100% Oil based.

When most of hear oil based we think about clogging our pores, getting more pimples and damaging our skin. This can be true depending on the oils. If you start moisturizing with safflower oil or hydrogenated corn oil it will certainly damage your skin, however, there are a many beneficial oils that repair your skin and even one that is molecularly indistinguishable from the oil your skin produces. What this means is your body thinks it’s producing our Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream and accepts our formula as something indigenous to your body enabling it to work faster and more effectively both topically and internally on a cellular level.

Our signature formula adapts to your skin and your skin’s needs making it the best Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream. If your skin needs more oil production in some areas and less in others our Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream adapts to your changing body. You never have to worry about putting too much on again although a little bit does go a long way and you’ll start to see changes in the first few weeks. To really heal our skin we need to also nourish our bodies with healthy Organic GMO-free plant-based healing foods.

Are you ready to take the challenge to erase years off your face? Order a jar of Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream today. When your Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream arrives start by taking a selfie with a clean bare face (you will do this everyday for 30 days) then apply a generous amount around eyes and any visible wrinkles you wish to diminish the appearance of  with clean hands and clean fingernails. Apply Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream at least twice a day up to 10 times a day. After 30 days take the first selfie you took and format it next to your 30th day selfie to really see the changes for yourself.

Your Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream comes in a reusable 3oz MIRON violetglass container to protect the Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream from harmful light as well as protecting and revitalizing the Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream’s potency.

Ingredients: Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Organic beeswax, Organic Pure 100% medical-grade pressed Rose Essential Oil, Organic Pure 100% medical-grade Lavender Essential Oil, Organic Pure 100% medical-grade Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, Organic Pure 100% medical-grade Bergamot Essential Oil,Organic Pure 100% medical-grade Jasmine Essential Oil, Organic Pure 100% Tahitian Vanilla extract and Organic Pure 100% coffee extract



Reuse your MIRON violetglass container and order a refill. Just boil the pouch in water until the contents melt then cut, pour and allow to cool.


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