Chocolate Tartlets 100% Vegetarian Plant-Based Healing Foods
With all 9 essential amino acids this dessert is packed full of vitamins and mineral that reduce belly fat and clean your arteries while tasting decadent.
By using live/whole food plant-based ingredients in Foodology you are giving your body all the building blocks it needs to make adult stem cells so you can heal properly and completely
By using all quality whole food ingredients the right way you make everything you eat your medicine stopping dis-ease before it starts
Reach out for support via online, phone or email. Dr. AvatarNirvana is available to help guide you on your path to vibrant health
Telegram: @DrAvatarNirvana
Relieve sore muscles and inflammation while increasing flexibility, circulation and mobility with this non-greasy all-natural Organic plant-based formula that is 10,000 times more concentrated than any other Muscle Salve on the market without burning your skin or staining your hands and clothes. It also makes your skin silky soft and detoxes your body pulling heavy metals out through your skin.
Are you ready to take the challenge to erase years off your face? Order a jar of Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream today. When your Wrinkle Cream/Eye Cream arrives start by taking a selfie with a clean bare face (you will do this everyday for 30 days) then apply a generous amount around eyes and any visible wrinkles you wish to diminish …
Passed down for hundred of years this powerful little ointment heals skin on a topical and molecular level using only the best Organic GMO-free medical-grade ingredients. With regular use the Incredible Boo-Boo Ointment heals your skin while also leaving it silky soft. Pick up a jar of Incredible Boo-Boo Ointment and let your scars fade away…
With more than 35 years hands-on experience, I am an accomplished Foodologist, Advisor, Chef, Sommelier, Singer, Researcher and Healer. I started with the allopathic route then switching to natural medicine neither of which were able to help me when I was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor the size of a grapefruit attached to my prefrontal cortex, pineal gland, pituitary gland and optic nerve. Three months after checking myself into a cancer care research facility I checked myself out with zero tumors and zero traces of any cancer down to a genetic level. Using what we now call Foodology I had "cured" myself of a "cancer" previously only seen posthumously, rewrote my DNA and have continued to rebuild all of my organs to those of child including my skin and restoring my natural blonde hair. Years later after meeting my partner we realized that together we had a guide to heal any dis-ease, prevent any dis-ease and the secret to immortality. It's free here on the website because I want you to be empowered to be independent instead of dependent on me or anyone else. Of course if you have questions or want a more detailed personalized plan check out our Services page.
"I have no regrets! After using your concepts my health skyrocketed! I couldn't have asked for more than this."
"Your products are truly upstanding and I am behind your products and methods in the kitchen 100 percent."
"Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! I am so pleased with your teachings. Dr. Ava, your methods are great! I will refer everyone I know."
With all 9 essential amino acids this dessert is packed full of vitamins and mineral that reduce belly fat and clean your arteries while tasting decadent.
A plant-based burger that repairs your bones, protects against cancer, detoxes your body and increases cognitive function? This burger will change your life...
A Banana Split for breakfast?!? Yes, you read that correctly you and your kids can enjoy dessert for breakfast or anytime of the day really. This decadent Banana Split is full of super foods, antioxidants, Read more…